Thursday, May 3, 2012
Time for a Chicken Coop (By: Jim)
Our son, Jason, moved off his farm land this month. He offered up his chickens and equipment. We did not have a chicken coop, nor a place to put one, so I ordered one from a family who builds them for a living. As soon as I saw the coop, I realized it was in need of many modifications to work properly. It weighed about 400 Lbs. and could not be moved by two adults. I bought three wheelbarrow wheels and made a frame for them to to ride in. The four doors had no trim support, so I redesigned them to weather seal the side hen boxes. The side screen windows were open, so I made storm shutters for both sides. The chicken coop was roofed and weather sealed the day before the chickens were picked up. Jason gave us an automatic feeder and automatic watering cups, so the chickens are pretty-much maintenance free. He also gave us a solar light system, which causes the chickens to lay throughout the night. We are averaging 13 eggs a day from 18 chickens. The cost for feed is very low because the chickens are eating left over feed from the goats.
This picture shows the automatic feeder box to the left of the chicken coop. The black pole on the right side of the chicken house is a solar light system. We just started on our yearly garden. I will report on that next month. Between the Goat milk and meat, the Chicken eggs and meat, and the garden, We are EATING THE QUALITY OF FOOD THAT GOD INTENDED FOR US TO EAT, and our health is improving daily. The FDA should be ashamed of themselves for pushing chemically treated food and destroying the health of so many people.